17 November 2010

Professional photo time

Bad to the bone
Kelly sent me the pix of Whizbee and they came out so well.  Of course I knew they would.  She always takes awesome photos!!!  Infact if I may brag.... two of her photos are on the new game chihuahuaopoly!!!  I'm hoping one day my chis will be famous like that....
Merry Christmas

I know I'm a little fame happy!!  Here are some of the professional photos I like.  remember you can contact Kelly and have photos taken of your babies!!

I love this one!!

15 November 2010

Professional photo time

Today I took Fizzing Whizbee to Kelly's house for some professional photos!!  I am hoping one of my doggies will be famous one day.. what can I say...lol.  Anyways, Whizbee met Zeke and I got some cute pix of them playing... 

Kelly and I realized that they have a common relative. Zeke's grandfather is Whizbee's father... no wonder they look so much a like.  Both boys also have a black/white parent in their background too.

07 November 2010

Fizzing Whizbee

Fizzing Whizbee is the name of a particular brand of sweets in the Harry Potter movies.  It is also the name of our new chi.  We got him last week.  At 3 months old he is 1.6 lbs.  Cute as a button.  Correct to the standard at this time.  And he is a ham.   

One of my daughters named him.  We all agreed.  She wants to show him in junior showmanship.  I'm excited that she is interested in showing dogs!  And if he gets big enough we may breed  him too.  Right now he is looking like a pocket dog.  We just have to wait and see.

He does come from great lines though.  Lots of champs in his pedigree including his sire!!  If you are interested in checking him out the website to go to is www.envichihuahuas.com.  Sire is Goody.