27 January 2011

Preparing for show

Last night Mattie and I went to the fairgrounds to practice showing Whizbee.  He did very well.  Much better then expected.  He walked well and stacked pretty well.  We need to work on him showing his teeth!!! He doesn't like that much.

Mattie also got a feel for what it is like showing a dog.  The instructor gave her lots of pointers.  I was quite the proud mum of my 4 legged and 2 legged children!!

Twinkie also came for the atmosphere and to be held by folks.  She was quite the hit !!  She did quite well with all the new smells and noises.

Twinkie nearly 3 months old

Whizbee nearly 6 months.  Back feet are off. Head too a little

Here are some pix of stacking I took of them today with help from my dear friend Ana. 

18 January 2011

I love my duck

Fizzing Whizbee just adores his duck.  Passed down from chi to chi it is absolutely disgusting.  The beak is hanging by a thread, it smells and it is so dirty.  So it is his favourite toy.  Just the other day I snapped some pix of him with his duck.  He hides it places and then returns to play with it.  He takes it in the garden and hides it.  He is the only one who can go in and out of the cat door which is very convenient when trying to keep other chis away from your beloved toy.

I lick my duck. It tastes good!!!

I stand guard over my duck

Even when playing I hold my duck tightly so no one gets it.

I just love my duck

I hide my duck in the dog bed

04 January 2011

Paprika comes to visit.

Today Paprika paid us a visit.  She was Chica and Pepsi's pup born June 1st.  She looks a lot like Pepsi but is darker in her colouration.  She is 7 months old and full of energy.  Lucky for us she lives just around the corner so we get to see her often.  This is the first time I took photos of her.  She is very fast and runs around a lot.  It is hard to get a good photo.

I need to scratch!
Paprika and Twinkie