11 July 2009


So Monica is keeping me up at night. She wakes up and wants attention. I stick my hand in the carrier and stroke her until she settles down. Sometimes she uses my fingers as a chew toy. this morning when I woke up she just lay there. I thought that was odd. She did soil the pee pad in the carrier and got it all over herself. I picked her up and she was so lethargic- Itook her to her food. Stood her next to it to eat and she could hardly stand up. Now I was really worried. She did eat and drink though. she actually ate a lot. We had no Karo syrup so I gave her some honey. I phoned Jen (chi breeder) and sought advice.

Monica has hypoglycemia. Something tiny chis get when they use up all their energy and don't get enough food in them. Just a drop in their sugar levels. What to do... give her karo syrup, keep her warm and keep an eye on her. Also, I am going to make sure she gets food during the night. I didn't think on that one. Never had a pup this small away from it's mum before.

Funny thing is I told her new owner to make sure she had food during the night... duh!

I also had to give her a bath.... she was very stinky!!!!

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