30 November 2009

Pepe Le Pew

I have found a home for Pepe.  He is going to live with Samantha in Kentucky.  She sounds very nice and has promised to spoil  him rotten.  He is very used to that.  She is going to drive down to Florida to pick him up.  I am looking forward to meeting her in person.

It is bittersweet for me.  I have become very attached to Pepe but think this is the best for him and for us. I will miss they way he crosses his front paws and sticks out his tongue when he is relaxing.  But I think he will be very happy in his new home.

28 November 2009

Home Again.

I am so glad to be home again.  I really missed the pups.  They have all found their spots and are happy.  I had to do a lot of cleaning to do to make their area nice and pretty.  Seems like Pepe has figured out how to jump on the sofa....  anyway.  It is so nice to see them again.  Chica is a skinny minny again.  She is doing ok and very happy to see me too.

Mia and Nacho

For the last couple of weeks it has been confusing around here.  Nacho came over and spent time with Snickie, Chica and Pepe hung out at Nacho's house.  Or Snickie went to Nacho's house and Pepe, Chica and Mia hung out here.  All in the hopes of a breeding.  Well, as  you know it did happen and all we can do is wait and see what happens.

Pepe and Mia had a lot of fun together playing and sharing treats.  Though Mia is a lot smaller.  Only 3 lbs.  She could take them and hide them under the recliner.

Mia has turned out to be such a cutie.  Chica did a good job...

27 November 2009

New dog toy!!

So I got this nifty toy at Ross for the dogs.  It is a tube and one end has a ball that dangles in a tantalizing manner.  And Coco the cat made it into her nest.  Go Figure!!

25 November 2009

Sad news and Good news

The sad news is that Chica definitely had no pups.  If she was pregnant they were reabsorbed or passed out of her body.  I never saw anything though.  It may also have been a false pregnancy.  Of course her whole heat was strange from the get go.  So it may be a good thing, even though I am very sad and disappointed.

The good news is that Snickie and Nacho tied.  He is an AKC long coated beauty.  Red and white in a small package.  I hope all goes well and we have cute pups in late January.I would like to see a pup with white, red and chocolate.  WOW that would be neat...

23 November 2009


I am not sure what is going on at Ana's house.  Not sure if Chica has lost her pups or not.  Have to wait and see what is going to happen.  She may have her pups on Wednesday or not.

But Chica is allowing Lucy's pups to nurse and not allowing Lucy near her pups!!

21 November 2009


Chica has been practicing for the big day.  We made her a box and got everything ready.  Thing is she is taking her sweet time about it.  We are going to Coco Beach to see my parents for Thanksgiving.  They have driven all the way down from the North.

So Chica is going to Ana's.  Poor Ana is going to have a full house and now a delivery to contend with.  Thank goodness I have a friend like her. 

In life you meet a  few folks that are so good to  you and some days you don't think you deserve it.  Ana is one of those folks.

19 November 2009

Chica's bump

I just took some more pix of her bump.  She is finally showing in my opinion.  What a bump.  Especially if you compare it to her pre-pregnant pic.

Still nothing yet.  I'm waiting for her to stop eating or to act strangely.  Everything is set up and ready to go. Just one problem... if she doesn't have them by Saturday she will have them at Ana's house.  I have to go and spend some time with my folks and she can't come with me.  darn it.  But she will be in good hands!!  I just wanted to be with her and her pups.  I hate leaving her like this.

WE love bones

Pepe is waiting patiently for Snickie to come out from under the recliner. Snickie took a bone with her and Pepe wants it.

18 November 2009

Belly bands and panties

Poor Snickie is wearing the belly band so she won't bleed on our furniture and clothing. Now poor Pepe is wearing a belly band so he won't try and mate with Chica.

What next??

17 November 2009

The Pillow

This is Chica's favourite spot. She just curls up on this pillow and sleeps.

16 November 2009

Crazy Chica....

Last night Chica and Pepe tied. Yes, you heard me correctly. I was confused and worried. They tied again this morning. I have decided to keep them separated to insure the safety of the pups.

There are several ideas for why this is happening that are floating around in my head...

1. Chica is hormonally imbalanced.
2. Snickie, who is now in heat has set Chica off. Chica seems to have a rivalary with Snickie and may want to exert dominance over her.
3. Due to Snickie's heat, poor Pepe is confused and Chica just let him.
4. Chica wants pups early and figures this may help!! lol

So I just have to wait and see what happens. But for now, Snickie and Pepe are together. Chica is with me.

14 November 2009

Snicker Doodles has started her heat!!

Yeah, finally Snickie has started her heat. I knew something was up with her peculiar behaviour and now it is official. It looks as if her best breeding time will be over Thanksgiving holiday. We will be busy that week and need to make necessary arrangements for her. Lucily for us we have several young studs that are happy to oblige.

Snickie, in the meantime, has to put up with undies while she is bleeding. AND she is not happy with that!!!

13 November 2009


I have decided to go to Petsmart today. I want to stock up on a few things. Chica is really enjoying the meal versions of Beneful. They come in small containers and have meat & veggies in them. She also likes this meal in a sausage. - Pet botanics chicken and rice meal.

I will also get some formula just in case. I am figuring that if there is more then one they will be tiny!! I want to be prepared to do some supplemental feedings.

I guess it is also time to get the welping box ready. Ana, a good friend of mine and mentor, gave me some hints on having a nursing kit. I have a shoe box with all sorts of gizmos and gadgets that I may need on the day of welping. So it is time to get it out and to be ready.


12 November 2009

How many pups??

This is the question. Only days away and Chica still looks tiny. I am guessing one. If she has more then one they will be mircoscopic and I'm not sure I want to go there..... lol

10 November 2009

All my bones are connected!!!!

Now my blog bone is connected to my website bone, and my website bone is connected to my facebook bone and my facebook bone is connected to my blog bone and my blog bone is connected to my youtube bone which is connected to my website bone which is connected to........


Here at the tiny chi we came to a decision. As much as I wanted Bugsz it would not have worked. Not sure how he would fit into a home life. Being cuddled and being inside a house with cats, kids etc. Not sure if Pepe would have enjoyed the life being around dogs more and not around family.

So we decided to keep Pepe for a while longer. Took him off puppyfind and may breed him. Selling his pups as pets.

08 November 2009

The Crack of Dawn

So I am laying there in bed having sweet dreams when my husband awakens me. I ask him the time and he won't tell me - RED FLAG- We get Katie up and grab Pepe and Snickie and head out the door.

Went for a nice walk. Pepe acted all scared until he was out on the pavement. Then he was happy as a clam. Now they are all tired and behaving.

Chica stayed in bed. Being pregnant she just didn't want to get up. :(

05 November 2009

to trade or not to trade, that is the question

I have found someone who is willing to trade for Pepe. Now the question is... do I do it? Very nice dog etc. Owner seems really nice as well.

There will be shipping of doggies, and other areas of concern to consider. It is not what I do know, it is all the unforeseen problems that could crop up for either party involved.

What would make me feel better about the transaction??? If I could see where Pepe would live and what his life would be like. If I could meet Bugsz.

That would really help with this decision.

02 November 2009

The Field

Today I decided to try something new. I took Chica and Snickie out behind my house where there is a huge field. I let them off their leashes and gave them some treats. I figured they would run around the large field and I would get them back with the allure of the yummy treats...

Well it didn't work exactly. They just followed me around the field. I would dart of and they would follow. At least they won't get lost!!

After we got home I gave everyone a bath. The look so good, their fur is so soft and they smell so good. Just need to put the revolution on (for their heart and fleas) and call it a day.