15 December 2009

I Luv Pepsi Cola

So a while back I posted a to do list for Pepsi.  Things we need to work on.  Some were more urgent then others....

1. submissive peeing.  He is doing very well.  Sometimes he crouches down when I approach and then I back off.  I let him come to me and he hasn't peed in a while.  yeah!!

2.  Howling at 4.30am - this one is a killer.  He is doing better.  He now starts at 6am.  We generally yell shush of hush at him and his other cohorts in crime.  seems to work.  I go in when they aren't making noise so not to reward for such a nasty behaviour.

3.  Pooping outside and not in crate.  This is a difficult one.  He still poops in the crate but I put newspaper in with him.  So at least it isn't on the towel. When contained in the back room he is aiming for the newspaper more and more.  I have seen him pee outside and he is praised for that in a big way.

4.  Walking on the leash... not much progress has been made in this area.  I do put him on the leash when he is in the car and sometimes in the house.  We have tried walking him but he doesn't go far if at all.  But what he does do we praise.

Hopefully he will keep making strides forward and live will be more quiet.

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