28 September 2009

Play date

We went to chihuahuacrazy.com today to play. My girls swam and played on the trampoline with their friends..... and the doggies got to hang out with their pals.

As always, Snickie was happy to see her sister Daisy. Chico was very interested in Chica. Pepe went around licking everybody, and Chica was in a bad mood.

That about sums it up.

After the general excitement of seeing each other the dogs all settled down. Ana had a pile on her and I had a pile on me. Ana and I chatted about all sorts of subjects while enjoying a cold soda.

oh yes, and can you tell that Ana gave her chis a summer hairdo??? They all got a shave. I think they look quite smart!!!

25 September 2009

My lap

When I am on the computer I always seem to have company..... at least one, two or even three dogs like to pile on top of me. It can look quite odd and I'm sure they must be uncomfortable. But they seem to like my company!! Now you know why I am on the computer so long!!! I just love having them cuddle with me.

23 September 2009

Netbook skin

Well, as you know from my earlier post I ordered a netbook skin. At the time I asked for help when ordering. I did not know which way up I should apply the image. The lady helped and I ordered the skin.

It came and I couldn't figure out why It didn't work. I seemed to have holes in the design. The cut outs did not seem to be where they were supposed to be.

I phoned them back.... what a great company. They replaced the skin for free. All I have to do is send the old skin back whenever I get the chance. Yes, you heard me right, unlike other companies they sent the new skin right out before receiving the old skin back.

And as you see in the pic, it looks great. The cut outs go over the corners!! When I'm using my netbook others can see Snickie and my website address. Very cool!!!

So... I give www.skinit.com a 3 thumbs up!!!!!

22 September 2009


It is getting near to the time where we need to seriously think about what to dress the dogs up for Halloween. Pepe is all squared away..... he is going to be a bat. With his big head, big eyes, short snout and black wings: he is going to look just like the real thing.

Snickie could be an angel... We have white wings with silver sparkles. She could be very cute. Or maybe a little witch....

If I could train Snickie and Pepe to sit on opposite shoulders, I could pretend one is my good angel and one is my bad little devil!!!

As I said, very hard decisions to be made....

21 September 2009

Coco the Crazy Cat

Well, living with cats and chihuahuas can be very interesting. We just got the coolest desk from craigslist. It is a cabinet so all the mess can be hidden. Coco had to go inside of it. Oh yes, so did Icky. But they were very nervous.

Coco isn't the most intelligent of cats though. somehow she went behind, through a small space and got stuck in the back. Darn that cat!!!

oh, you notice her strange colouring - I shaved her. That is her undercoat!

19 September 2009


It is very nice to have good friends that know your dogs..... my family went to Sea World for the day and my good friend Ana offered to check on them. They were be very happy to see her, especially Chica. Ana was Chica's first human Mum!! When I phoned Ana said they were doing fine. Their little doggie area was all clean!! I am so glad I purchased that metal gate system. It is nice to leave them in a large area so they can eat, play and poop.

17 September 2009

Chica and Frostee

Well, I have just received the phone call all doggie Mama's want to have. The visit with Frostee went very well. They have tied once so far. Hope for more ties before she comes home tomorrow. I am so excited. I hope all goes well and we will have the pitter patter of tiny feet before Thanksgiving!!

When Chica comes home it will be the royal treatment for her. Puppy food, wet food and vitamins. Need to make sure she is very healthy. Oh... and NO more jogging for now. She will have to just stick to walks.

16 September 2009

Professional Photography by http://kellyrichardsonphotography.com//

As you know I have been going to professional photographer. I recommend this for those of you that are totally in love with your pets. Kelly captures something I cannot. AND I thought I was a pretty good picture taker!!

Mia, who is one of Chica's daughters went for a session. Very wiggly little thing but Kelly did her magic. Now Jessie has some beautiful pix of her new baby. It was fun dressing her up as well.

I think I may just take my Chica's next litter over for more cute pix..... then I can give their new owners a professional photo with their little darling.

15 September 2009

In Heat.

I feel like I'm dancing the Hokey Pokey. First Chica was in heat, then not, now she is...... I have no clue what is going on. First I saw blood so I started counting the days.... at day 13 she went to visit her boyfriend and she was the least bit interested. Yesterday she got all swollen... and she is in such a bad mood. If I counted from the original bleeding today would be day 19, way out of the ball park. Go figure.... So we wait some more and send her to Frostee's again.

13 September 2009

Doggie Torture!!!

I am not sure why, but for the last few days my sweet little girls have been torturing the dogs.... oh yes. Mattie gets close to Chica, and chica hides. Why are the dogs so afraid of my girls????

Well, it all started with a sleepover. Katie and her friend smuggled the dogs into her room and dressed them up. That was Friday, today is Sunday. They have been dressing them up for 3 days now. The doggies are NOT happy.

11 September 2009

Play date

Karen came over with boy....and to return Chica. She wasn't in heat. I am not sure why she was bleeding. I have my guess, but nothing came of it. Chica did have a lovely visit with Frostee though. They slept together and played. Chica was very well behaved...

Boy, Chica, Pepe and Snickie played tug of war, with the pink pig, in the garden and around the house. Chica growled at Boy, who ignored her, and at Snickie who backed down. Chica is now all happy that she is back in control of her roast.

Pepe and Boy are really like to play with each other. They are both at the same stage in life and they don't have all those girlie hormones and attitude. I love having Boy over to play cause it is so good for Pepe. Now everyone is enjoying a long nap.

09 September 2009

Dog clippers...

Beware of dog clippers. They are addictive. My friend, Ana, got a new professional pair. She clipped all the dogs in her house. Every day I'd go over another dog had been clipped.

I must admit I started her on this addiction. I clip the long hair off our cat each summer to help him remain cool. Well, my clippers are old and don't work as well, so I went to Ana's to borrow hers.

I clipped Icky, and then I clipped Coco.... both cats !!!! My nose is itchy, my eyes are watery and I have red hives under my nose... Now I'm looking at Snickie wondering how cute she would look with a little trim.

Luckily Chica went to her boyfriend's house so she is safe... for now

08 September 2009

Play date

We had friends come over today. Mia, Nacho and Bugga. Mia is just as small as usual. She is getting her adult coat in and is a little ugly. Chica went to Karen's to see if she is in heat or not and Bugga stayed with us.

Chica didn't like Bugga at all and was having a fit. I had to keep them seperated. Pepe did well with everyone.

Now that Chica is gone to Karen's; Snickie, Bugga and Pepe are getting on just fine.

06 September 2009

Chica the jogging chihuahua

Well if you want a chi that can jog along side you this is the place!!! Yet again, in the wee hours of the am, when normal people sleep, my husband went a jogging with ...... wait for it..... the Chicanator....

It is a funny sight. My husband gets the oddest looks. A husky Marine with a tiny chihuahua....

04 September 2009


So is Chica in heat? That is the question. She did bleed a little and she is in a very bad mood. I swear she gets the doggie version of PMS. But she hasn't bled as much as last time and she isn't swollen. So I have to be patient and wait. Did I mention how much I hate waiting?

02 September 2009

Pepe Le Pew goes to the vet

Yesterday was vet day for Pepe. He had to get his rabies vaccination. Luckily for him he is a dog and had no clue what would befall him. I decided to wait until he was 5 months so he was a little sturdier. Some more meat on those bones! The shot went very well. He took it like a man.

Netbook skin

The netbook skin arrived. Other then me somehow ordering it incorrectly it is beautiful. I'm not sure what I did wrong, I even phoned for help, but it doesn't quite fit on my netbook. It has to cut out corners where there should be none in my opinion. And the other corners do not fit. I think the girl on the phone advised me incorrectly and the cut out corners go over the other end. Oh well. It does look good.